Generalmente questo genere di articoli cominciano dicendo: “da piccolo ero solito smontare e rimontare cose..” mentre la verità è che a me non interessavano. In realtà , ero più interessato ai misteri del mondo “reale“, quello tangibile, come la natura, gli amici, il calcio. Mi piaceva giocare all’aria aperta, a pallone e correre con le moto. […]
DISCLAIMER – This article is provided for educational and informational purposes only. The techniques, tools, and examples discussed are intended to promote a better understanding of cybersecurity and to enhance defensive measures. The usage of these techniques should strictly adhere to applicable laws, regulations, and ethical guidelines. The author and publisher of this article shall […]
In the vast realm of software development, the Python Package Index has long been a trusted repository for Python packages. However, even the most reliable platforms are not immune to the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. My recent investigation led me to stumble upon a malicious package lurking within PyPI, disguised as a seemingly “innocent […]
DISCLAIMER – This article is provided for educational and informational purposes only. The techniques, tools, and examples discussed are intended to promote a better understanding of cybersecurity and to enhance defensive measures. The usage of these techniques should strictly adhere to applicable laws, regulations, and ethical guidelines. The author and publisher of this article shall […]