Introduction As mentioned in the previous article, Android uses the Binder for IPC communications. Good to know, the Binder was not created by Google. Its initial appearance was in BeOS, an old OS for mobile devices. After some acquisitions, original developers joined Android and took the Binder with them. The OpenBinder porting to Android was […]
Introduction In the last few months I was studying Android Internals in order to perform some security research in the future. I first tried to focus myself in its architecture and fundamentals components, starting from the bootloader stage to the Framework, in order to have an initial high level picture. Then, I focused on the […]
In accordance with ethics of responsible disclosure, the vendor was informed but emails were left unreplied/ignored Timeline First email on 08 March 2016 Second email on 14 March 2016 Prelude In recent years we have seen an evolution of people lifestyle, and digital identity is becoming part of our real life with all connected risks.Our […]
In the beginning of January 2013 we started a security research project focused on some of the most spreaded mobile applications and considering how popular Ruzzle became in the last months we could not take the app out from our targets. Hereafter we will discuss the results of our research about Ruzzle and the details of our […]